Designing a medical tourism marketing model by using the Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Business management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to design an emotional attitude model in customers' purchasing decisions in Service markets.
Methods: The approach of this study was qualitative and used the foundation data approach. The statistical population of this study includes managers, experts, physicians of public and private hospitals in Tehran, medical assistants of the university who had a managerial background in hospitals and medical tourism centers in Iran and the researcher was satisfied with 15 nterviews.
Results:  The researcher presents his research in the form of a model including six dimensions, satisfaction with the brand of the tourism center, trust in the brand therapy of the medical tourism center, diversity of medical services, marketing of medical tourism, appropriate treatment package, loyalty to the brand of the medical center, and thirty-one sub-dimensions has done.
Conclusion: The results show that the empowerment of experts in international patient units, the development of professional skills of the medical department, the management of medical tourism agents, the promotion of international marketing and advertising, quality and cost monitoring and management, attention to the standards of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and "International and joint national and international cooperation agreements with medical tourism stakeholders can facilitate the development of medical tourism.


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