The role of public health in the management of the body of male athletes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Departman of sociology, Ashtiyan Branch,I slamic Azad University, Ashtiyan, Iran

2 Departman of Sociology, Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

3 Departman of Sociology, Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Iran.

4 Departman of Sociology, Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Iran


Introduction: Research on health and body management and with the advent of the new age and consumer society, the appearance of the body has become very important for people in society; In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of general health in the management of male body athletes.
Methods: In this study, in order to determine the sample size, the Cochran's formula of 381 samples was used as a multi-stage cluster sampling for an unlimited community. Independent t-test and Human Whitney were used for data analysis and SPSS software version 25 at the level of 0.05.
Results:  The results show that there is a significant relationship between general health of athletes's body management (P <0.05).
Conclusion: General health seems to play an important role in body management components. In this regard, it is suggested that more studies be done to increase the external credibility of the research.


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