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Molaei, R. , , Vahidian-Rezazadeh, M. , and Moghtaderi, A. . "Effect of 6 weeks aerobic exercise and oral Royal Jelly consumption on inflammatory factors' multiple sclerosis patients", Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 62, 3, 2019, 1524-1535. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2019.14194
Molaei, R., Vahidian-Rezazadeh, M., Moghtaderi, A. (2019). 'Effect of 6 weeks aerobic exercise and oral Royal Jelly consumption on inflammatory factors' multiple sclerosis patients', Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 62(3), pp. 1524-1535. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2019.14194
R. Molaei , M. Vahidian-Rezazadeh and A. Moghtaderi, "Effect of 6 weeks aerobic exercise and oral Royal Jelly consumption on inflammatory factors' multiple sclerosis patients," Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 62 3 (2019): 1524-1535, doi: 10.22038/mjms.2019.14194
Molaei, R., Vahidian-Rezazadeh, M., Moghtaderi, A. Effect of 6 weeks aerobic exercise and oral Royal Jelly consumption on inflammatory factors' multiple sclerosis patients. Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 2019; 62(3): 1524-1535. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2019.14194