Food Security Assessment of Disabled People with Disabilities Based on International Documents


1 PhD student in International Law, Islamic Azad University, UAE Branch

2 Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor of International Law, Payame Noor University


Introduction: The right to food as an essential concept in international human rights law has been endorsed in support of persons with disabilities. This right is addressed in many international documents. Governments in particular are committed to ensuring that the rights set forth in it are utilized to the fullest extent possible and with all appropriate measures.
Materials & Methods: The data of this study were collected by analytical-documentary method and searching in databases and sources of internet scientific information and related books in this field.
  Findings: One of these rights is the right to food in support of the disabled and disabled in the territorial space. On the other hand, food security and sustainable access to food and freedom from hunger are fundamental human rights and cannot be suspended under any circumstances, even in hostilities, because any commitment to the right to food can lead to death by starvation. Disabled people with disabilities.
Conclusion: People with disabilities, disabilities, or injuries may not have access to nutritional needs and care like other people in the community. Even if they have access, they may need more care and nutrition than others, which can happen for a variety of reasons. By examining the right to food on the basis of international documents in support of persons with disabilities and disabilities, this paper argues that persons with disabilities and disabilities who constitute a significant percentage of society according to international documents, As an important part of the population, like others, have the right to use food, but this should not be overlooked by the authorities.
