Abstract Introduction: Previous researches have yield contradictory results in the studies of cognitive dysfunction following MTBI. This research was designed and conducted to compare the cognitive condition of two groups of healthy people and MTBI patients one year after their injury in terms of attention strength. Materials and Methods: In this causal-comparative study, which was conducted from February 2017 to October 2018, two groups of individuals, 48 (MTBI) male Patients from 30 to 55 years old who were admitted to the ICU in Shohadaye Haftome Tir Hospital and 64 healthy men that had all the criteria for entering the research were chosen . Both groups were tested with scale Stroop. Results: The results of the study showed that the two groups had significantly difference (p < 0/05), in the Congruent experiment time and incongruent experiment time. The two groups had significantly difference (p < 0/01), in the congruent non- responses, incongruent non- responses,congruent correct number, incongruent correct number, interference score, non-response sum and correct responses sum . The results showed that Patients with MTBI have overall poorer results for all the scale of stroop test than healthy people. Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, mild traumatic brain injury can disturb executive functions of the brain's prefrontal lobes after one year. Hence, it is suggested that in clinical and legal evaluations of the patients, this issue to be considered.
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Mozafari, M. and Mehrinejad, S. A. (2020). Compare Performance Of Patients(MTBI) ,in Complex Stroop, Emphasizing The Passing Of One Year Of mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Healthy People. Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 63(3), 2254-2267. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2020.16378
Mozafari, M. , and Mehrinejad, S. A. . "Compare Performance Of Patients(MTBI) ,in Complex Stroop, Emphasizing The Passing Of One Year Of mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Healthy People", Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 63, 3, 2020, 2254-2267. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2020.16378
Mozafari, M., Mehrinejad, S. A. (2020). 'Compare Performance Of Patients(MTBI) ,in Complex Stroop, Emphasizing The Passing Of One Year Of mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Healthy People', Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 63(3), pp. 2254-2267. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2020.16378
M. Mozafari and S. A. Mehrinejad, "Compare Performance Of Patients(MTBI) ,in Complex Stroop, Emphasizing The Passing Of One Year Of mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Healthy People," Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 63 3 (2020): 2254-2267, doi: 10.22038/mjms.2020.16378
Mozafari, M., Mehrinejad, S. A. Compare Performance Of Patients(MTBI) ,in Complex Stroop, Emphasizing The Passing Of One Year Of mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Healthy People. Medical Journal of Mashhad university of Medical Sciences, 2020; 63(3): 2254-2267. doi: 10.22038/mjms.2020.16378