Comparison of perfectionism in Gender Dysphoria volunteers and transgendered individuals referred to Fars province general administration of forensic medicine

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Forensic Physician, PhD, Member of Forensic Medicine Research Center, Tehran Forensic Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran.

2 Director General of Tehran Forensic Medicine Organization.

3 Master of Clinical Psychology, Abadan School of Medical Sciences, Abadan, Iran.

4 Director General of the Forensic Medicine Department of Fars Province and a member of the Research Center of the Forensic Medicine Organization.

5 Research Center for Social Components of Health System, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran


The aim of this study was to compare perfectionism in transsexual demanders and transgendered individuals referred to Fars province general administration of forensic medicine. The sample consisted of 66 transsexual volunteers (38) and transgendered people (28) that by purposive sampling method were selected. To measure the variables, Frost perfectionism questionnaire was used. Perfectionism and its components were similar in both groups and on average there was no significant difference between them in perfectionism and its aspects. The perfectionism score in 66 persons was obtained between 2.46 to 4.11 with gender identity disorder was an average of 3.17 ± 0.44, respectively. All the options of perfectionism were correlated together and the total score with a significance level of 0.01. The highest correlation between perfectionism and personal standards of 0.930 and the lowest correlation between worrying about mistakes and individual standards were obtained at a rate of 0.341. Perfectionism and demographic variables showed correlation between education and transgendered people 0.37 and transgender people applying correlation there .041. The correlation between perfectionism and variable transgender people applying for jobs there and transgendered people was observed 0.39. The study showed that there was no correlation that between perfectionism and job status in individuals with sexual dysphoria. There was a relative correlation between perfectionism and variable transgendered people and transgender applicants. Since this is the first study in Iranian society, need to be replicated in larger sample size, so that its findings be interpreted with more confidence.


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