Investigating the effect of emotional factors on employee commitment in customer service

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Public administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran. (Corresponding Author)


Introduction: Today, with increasing competition for better products and services, it is necessary for organizations to provide services with more committed behavior to achieve customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of emotional factors on customer service commitment.
Methods: In this study, which is a descriptive survey study, 110 vendors from one of the chain stores who were selected using random sampling method answered the standard questionnaires and finally, the questionnaire data through structural equation testing Were analyzed by PLS software.
Results:  The results showed that emotional factors such as; The dimensions of emotional intelligence (evaluating one's own and others' emotions, modifying emotions and applying emotions) and emotional work affect the customer service commitment.
Conclusion: It seems that emotional work and commitment to customer service can reduce employees' emotional fatigue.


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