Investigating the stages of human development from the point of view of Quran and Piaget psychology

Document Type : Research Paper



Introduction: Man is on the path of growth and evolution in the world and the ultimate goal is to reach nearness to God and in this way he uses the tools of body and soul to grow and reach excellence. In Quranic verses, the stages of human life during the embryonic period and after birth and recognizing the dimensions of his existence in the path of growth and development have been considered. God Almighty introduces man as a creature who has gone through stages in his life and is on the path of growth and transformation, and the origin, path and purpose of his movement have also been determined. On the other hand, the study of the dimensions of human development and its characteristics and capabilities from a physical and intellectual point of view has been considered by psychologists many times. According to psychologists, man is from a material dimension that includes his body parts and the form and powers of his thinking and intellect. Piaget is one of the psychologists who has classified and studied the various dimensions of children's cognitive development. Therefore, in this article, the stages of human physical and cognitive development from the point of view of Quran and Piaget have been studied.
Introduction: Man is on the path of growth and evolution in the world and the ultimate goal is to reach nearness to God and in this way he uses the tools of body and soul to grow and reach excellence. In Quranic verses, the stages of human life during the embryonic period and after birth and recognizing the dimensions of his existence in the path of growth and development have been considered. God Almighty introduces man as a creature who has gone through stages in his life and is on the path of growth and transformation, and the origin, path and purpose of his movement have also been determined. On the other hand, the study of the dimensions of human development and its characteristics and capabilities from a physical and intellectual point of view has been considered by psychologists many times. According to psychologists, man is from a material dimension that includes his body parts and the form and powers of his thinking and intellect. Piaget is one of the psychologists who has classified and studied the various dimensions of children's cognitive development. Therefore, in this article, the stages of human physical and cognitive development from the point of view of Quran and Piaget have been studied.
