The effect of consuming garlic and blackberry along with aerobic exercise on blood pressure and quality of life in hypertensive patients.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. in sports nutrition, Department of Sports nutrition, Faculty of Social Sciences, Raja University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports nutrition, Faculty of Social Sciences, Raja University, Qazvin, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

4 Ph.D Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the effect of garlic and blackberry consumption along with aerobic exercise on blood pressure and quality of life in patients with hypertension.

48 of them who did not do any sports activities in the last three months were selected. The condition of the research subjects in terms of quality of life was calculated through the quality of life questionnaire of the World Health Organization and blood pressure in laboratory conditions, and finally in four groups of 12 people, aerobic exercise and garlic consumption, aerobic exercise and blackberry consumption, and aerobic exercise and the control group were divided. Then the intervening variables, including aerobic exercise (including 10 minutes of warming up, 25 to 45 minutes of walking-running and kinetic exercises with an intensity of 65 to 75% of the maximum heart rate and 5 minutes of cooling down) and garlic supplementation (1250 capsules form) Milligram, the product of Nature Mod Company (two units daily with meals) and black mulberry (in the form of one milligram capsule daily) were applied to them for six weeks, and at the end of six weeks, quality of life factors and blood pressure were measured again.

The result of the research showed that the systolic blood pressure was significantly reduced in the group of aerobic exercise and garlic consumption (P˂0.05).

In general, it seems that aerobic exercises along with garlic and blackberry supplementation can reduce blood pressure and vascular stiffness


Main Subjects


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