Association of rs4252499 polymorphisms of the TRPV5 gene with kidney stone disease of unknown etiology

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Biology, Arsanjan branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.


Kidney stone disease, is they third most important urological disease, which is considered as a universal problem. The similarity indicates that reactive oxygen species are produced in kidney stone. oxidative stress can play an important role in affecting this gene and ultimately in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including kidney stone. Oxygen species, peroxidation products, lipids, enzyme indices and indicators of renal epithelial damage are considered as indicators of many chronic kidney diseases. The TRPV5gene plays an important role in calcium absorption and acts as a transporter. The purpose of this study is to study the relationship between the rs4252499 and rs4236480 polymorphisms of the TRPV5 gene and susceptibility to kidney stone.
Methodology: In this case -control stu100 patients (average age=14.07± 45.01) and 100 normal people (average age= 45.89±14.26) were evaluated.
A 5cc of blood samples were taken from each person. They genotype determination was done using T-ARMS method.
Results: Data analysis was done using SPSS16 software.Participant’s general informations were collected using Questionnaire forms. The results of this research in molecular level showed that for rs4252499. A, factor increases the risk of kidney stone disease and for rs4236480, kidney stone disease probability is increased in presented of heterozygote genotype.Respectively(0R:2.59,95%CL:1.4-63.13,P=0.036) AND (OR:2.18,95%CL:1.17-4.07,P=0.014).
rs4252499 and rs4236480 polymorphisms of the TRPV5 gene are associated with susceptibility to kidney stone disease.


Main Subjects

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