The effect of knee frontal plane deviations on postural sway and kinematics of gait in active male adolescents

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student, faculity of Physical Education,Tehran Center Branch

2 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences Tehran Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sports Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The effect of knee frontal plane deviations on postural sway and kinematics of
gait in active male adolescents
Knee structural abnormalities can lead to changes human movement strategies and posture control. The aim
of this study was to evaluate and compare gait and stability patterns in genuvarum, genuvalgum and healthy
subject groups. In this study subjects were divided into three groups of 12 people based on Q-angle values
and their postural sway were evaluated in three modes of perturbation and kinematics of their lower
extremity joints measured during gait. The results of this study showed a significant difference in static
balance between genuvalgum group and the other two groups. In addition, in kinematic factors, the most
significant differences were observed between healthy and genuvalgum groups. According to the results of
this study, people with genuvalgum have more stability and movement disorders than two other groups and it
is necessary to pay attention to balance and movement programs in athletes with this disorder


Main Subjects