Causal model of pain intensity based on attachment styles mediated by early maladaptive schemas in patients with chronic pain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. student of General Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistance Professor, Faculty of Governance, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor of Counseling at Allameh Tabataba'i University.


Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the causal pattern of the relationship between attachment styles and pain intensity mediated by early maladaptive schemas in patients with chronic pain. Method: The research method was descriptive-correlational. The population of this study was patients with chronic pain referred to the pain clinic of Erfan Hospital in Tehran in the second half of 2020 that 300 people with chronic pain were voluntarily selected as a sample by available sampling method. Data were collected from the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory (WHI-MPI; Kerns et al., 1985), the Adult Attachment Styles Inventory (AAI, Besharat, 2005) and the Young Early maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ-SF; Young, 1999). Results: Data usage and analysis were performed by structural equation modeling. The results showed that safe attachment style and anxiety through the mediating variable of ear-ringing and inhibition and other orientation have a significant indirect effect on pain intensity in patients with chronic pain. This means that early maladaptive schemas in the areas of angst and inhibition and other orientation play a mediating role in the relationship between attachment styles and pain intensity. Discussion: Therefore, with the effect of insecure attachment styles on the formation of maladaptive schemas, it leads to an increase in severity in people with chronic pain.


Main Subjects

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