Comparing the effectiveness of narrative therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on the social competence of sexually abused adolescent girls

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of education and counselling, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The present study was conducted in order to compare the effectiveness of narrative therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy on the social skills of sexually abused adolescent girls aged 9 to 13.
Method: This research is practical in terms of data collection, and in terms of the purpose of this research, it was based on semi-experimental research of pre-test-post-test type. A sample of 30 people in three groups of 15 people was selected from the statistical population of adolescent girls with sexual trauma between 9 and 13 years old using the available sampling method and randomly replaced in three groups. In order to measure the variables used in the research, it was social competence questionnaire.
Results: The results of the correlation analysis indicated that the narrative therapy approach increased (behavioral skills (0.443); motivational cues and expectations (0.319); cognitive skills (0.417); emotional sufficiency (0.250). And the cognitive-behavioral approach also increased (behavioral skills (0.401); cognitive skills (0.330); emotional adequacy (0.218) but a significant effect on It has no motivational signs and expectations. The comparison of groups also showed that narrative therapy was more effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Conclusion: In order to improve the social skills of sexually abused adolescent girls, it is suggested to use narrative therapy.
