The Role of Early Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (less than 24 hours and after) in the Management of Corrosive Ingestion in Adults "Liver and Gastrointestinal Diseases Research Center"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Internal, TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences,Tabriz, Iran

3 Resident, TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences,Tabriz, Iran


Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy is the most reliable modality for evaluating patients with caustic injury of GI tract; however there is an ongoing debate on its optimal timing.
Materials and Methods
100 adult patients with definite diagnosis of injury due to corrosive ingestion on direct laryngoscopy were evaluated in Tabriz Emam Khomeini Hospital during a 15-month period. The patients with signs and symptoms indicating a serious internal injury were operated immediately. In other patients, endoscopy was employed and according to timing, patients categorized in two groups; early (24 h). Inhospital condition of the two groups was compared.
62 females and 38 males (25.51±9.25 y/o) were recruited. Alkaline materials were used in majority of cases (83%). Eight percent of the patients were operated immediately. Early endoscopy was employed in 37% of patients and 55% underwent late endoscopy. Endoscopy results were normal in 11%, grade I in 36%, grade II in 22%, grade III in 11% and grade IV lesion in 12% of the patients. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the need of operation, gap between admission and operation, need of ICU admit and its duration and inhospital morbidity and mortality. However, operation gap and ICU admit were apparently better in early endoscopy group and morbidity was lower in late endoscopy group.
Early and late endoscopy did not significantly affect inhospital condition of adult patients with corrosive ingestion. However, early endoscopy was apparently along with better results.


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