The Relationship of Level of Maternal Serum Copper and Zinc with Neonatal Birth Weight

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Neonatolog, Neonatal Research Center, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor of pediatrics, Neonatalogist, Ghaem Hospital Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,Neonatalogist, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Patholologist, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

5 Assistant professor of Biostatistics, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Minerals and trace elements such as zinc and copper have significant influence on development and growth of fetus and newborn. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between low birth weight and maternal, neonatal zinc, copper status.
Materials and Methods
This is a case-control study, which was done in Ghaem hospital, Mashhad University over one year from September 2006 to September 2007. The study consisted of 65 infants with birth weight < 2500 gr and 65 infants with ≥ 2500 g and their mothers’ as case and control groups, respectively. Cord and maternal blood samples collected at delivery were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry for zinc and copper levels.
Mean serum zinc levels in maternal and the cord blood were 6.35+2.09 mmol/l, 12.77+3.83 mmol/l and 7.57+1.75 mmol/l, 13.18+2.69 mmol/l of case and control groups, respectively (p<0.05). The mean copper levels in maternal and cord blood were 21.82+4.45 mmol/l, 5.12+1.54 mmol/l and 21.19+5.34 mmol/l, 3.65+2.04 mmol/l of control and case groups, respective (p<0.05).
This study indicated that mothers with the zinc level of less than 6.4 mmol/l were 3.8 time more at risk of having infant with the birth weight of less than 2500 gr. Lower maternal weight, was associated with increased risk of having low birth weight infants


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