Evaluation of the Clinical Features , Diagnostic Procedures and Mortality of Acute PulmonaryThromboembolism Pulmonary and Ttuberculosis Research Center, Mashhad of Medical Sciences University

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professorof Internal Medicine, Mashhad University of Medial Sciences, Mashhad, Iran



ntroduction: Acute pulmonary Thromboembolism from deep venous thrombosis is an extremely important cause of morbidity and mortality . The aims of this study were evaluation of clinical features, diagnostic approaches and especially, mortality of pulmonary thromboembolism.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, 142 patients with thromboembolism evaluated from 2003 to 2007 at Internal Medicen Department, Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. This study was approved by the local ethics. Demographic characteristics, diagnostic approaches and mortality of pulmonary thromboembolism recorded. Data analyzed with Spss 11/5 software.
Results: In 142 patients, dyspnea 80/3%, chest pain 38/7%, cough 31/7%, fever 30/3%, hemoptysis 18/3%, deep vein thrombosis in right lower limb 20/4%, deep vein thrombosis in left lower limb in 17/6% were recorded. Among 142 patients, mortality was seen in 25 cases.
Conclusion: The results of this study are the same as others, in spite of fever that is the fourth manifestation. Longstanding bed rest is the most risk factor for pulmonary thromboembolism. So this risk factor is preventable. Lung perfusion and Doppler sonography were diagnostic. Unfortunately, mortality in our study is more than other studies and it is estimately , doubled.
