Usage of Ortolani and Barlow Tests in Diagnosis of Dislocation Displasia of the Hip

Document Type : Research Paper



Introduction: Dislocation displasia of the hip (DDH) is one of the most common congenital deformities and early physical examination is the best method for diagnosis. Ortolani and Barlow are two famous tests suggested by almost all of text books and researche for early diagnosis of DDH. This study was done to evaluate their usage in neonatal physical examination.
Material and Methods: This descriptive study was done in labor wards and Neonatal wards of Mashhad Medical University Centers. 184 neonates in center A and 229 neonates in center B were studied. Midwifery students were taught about clinical examination and Ortolani and Barlo tests. They divided in to two groups and their 3 – month attempt in this field was observed. Data was gathered in a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS, descriptive statistics and frequency distribution tables.
Result: Evaluation of 235 neonates who were born in two hospitals of Mashhad University (A center = 131, B center = 104) showed that only 0.85% of neonates have been evaluated by gynecologist, and 23.6% by podiatrist. 24.26% of neonates were out of controls that were not used in the study.
Conclusion: This study showed the danger alarm of increasing risk for neglected DDH. Teaching, and emphasizing on performance of these two tests can decrease handicapped population rate, cost of treatment and rehabilitation.


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