Evaluation of Susceptibility of Conventional Anti Fungal Drugs with Flow Cytometry Technique

Document Type : Research Paper



Introduction: During the last decades, the incidence of fungal infection has been increased in many countries. Because of the increasing resistantce to antifungal agents, determination of an efficient strategic plan for treatment of fungal diseases is an important issue in clinical mycology.
Material and Methods:Many methods have been introduced and developed to determine invitro susceptibility tests. During the recent years, flow cytometry has been developed to solve the problem, and many papers have documented the usefulness of this technique. This study was done to evaluate the invitro susceptibility of standard PTCC strain and some clinical isolates of Candidaevaluated by macrodilution broth method according to NCCLS guidelines and flow cytometry susceptibility test. This descriptive study was done in Iran Medical University. Clinical isolates of Candidawere treated by Amphotericin B, Clotrimazole, Fluconazol, Ketoconazol and miconazole and then evaluated by flow cytometry and microdilution. Data was gathered in a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Results:The data indicated that macrodilution broth methods and flow cytometry have the same results in determination of MIC for amphotericinB, clotrimazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole and miconazole in Candida albicans PTCC5027 as well as clinical candida isolate, such as C.albicans, C.kefyr, C.glabrata, C.parapsilosis and C.dubliniensis.
Conclusion:Comparing the result obtained by macrodilution broth and flow cytometry methods revealed that flow cytometry was more convenient and faster than broth methods. It is suggested that flow cytometry susceptibility test can be used as a powerful tool in determination of MIC and administration of the best antifungal drug in treatment of patients with Candida infections especially systemic candidiasis.


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