comparison of the effectiveness of drug treatment and lifestyle change based on a meta-theoretical model in three indicators of patients with metabolic syndrome in Tehran in 1396

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student in Health Psychology Tehran university of justice

2 Professor and holder of PhD Degree in the field of Psychology, Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Tehran

3 holder of PhD Degree in the field of Psychology, Associate Professor at University of Imam Hossein, Tehran

4 holder of PhD Degree in the field of Psychology, Assistant Professor at University of Kharazmi, Tehran


Introduction:Metabolic syndrome is a collection of the risk factors relevant to the cardiovascular diseases & diabetes and the number of patients who suffer the said syndrome increases every day. This study was performed with the aim of determining the effect of one educational plan based on the model-trans-theory(TTM) and in order to control the risk factors (Especially the Nutrition).
Materials and Methods: This study applies the quasi-experimental research method and with the pre-exam & post-exam plan in the medicine control group and testifier so that a number of 75 individuals who were ill with the metabolic syndrome were included in a simple accidental form and in three groups of 25 individuals. The measuring tool applicable for a 24 hours questionnaire with the food mode and the meta-theory questionnaire of Marcus by which the behavior change stages and behavior process (Self-Efficiency & Decision Making Balance) were first assessed and then taught. Also the data registration sheet was used for gathering the data relevant to the waist size and circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Hypertension), TG, HDL and FBS and the existence of at least three indexes was taken into consideration as a criterion for determining the metabolic syndrome. Educational intervention was performed in four sessions and for the test group and some required medicines were applied for the medical & testifier groups but without the educational intervention and after collecting the data and the results were obtained after 4 months of educational intervention. Ultimately the said data were analyzed by the independent, dependent T tests, co-variance and SPSS software.
Results: Measuring the change stages structure and prior to the intervention showed that a high percentage of patients were in the preliminary stage (Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation and Readiness) that more than %76/4 of test group individuals remained in the act and retention after the intervention stage.
Conclusion:Metabolic syndrome is one global crisis which threatens the health and economy of the most nations. Scientific evidence shows that a major part of the metabolic syndrome can be preventable and even curable (Treatable) through a change in mediating behaviors especially modifying diet and lifestyle.


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