Compare Frequency of Psychiatric disorders in off-springs of Bipolar patients to control group

Document Type : Research Paper


Child &adolescence psychiatrist Department of Psychiatry Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad. Iran


Bipolar mood disorders are severe and permanent disorders occurring approximately in 1% of the adults. Children of parents with Bipolar disorder are at risk for mood disorders. So we decided to evaluate psychiatric disorders in children of bipolar patients.
Materials and Methods
This is a case control study. 184 children of 58 bipolar parents and 185 children of 57 control parents participated in the study, all them Were between the ages of 8 and 15 years. Diagnosis was made by two psychiatrist based on DSM-IV criteria and using K-SADS and SADS.
Psychiatric disorders were more common in bipolar patiens offspring than control group Affective disorders were the most common diagnosis, (16 times) ADHD were the next one (5.57), and substance abuse (3.46), Antisocial personality disorder (5.75), Anxiety disorder (2.5) down the rate. (pv=0/000)
the results of this study suggest that children of bipolar parents have an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorder, the children of bipolar patients need to be screened for psychiatric symptoms and referred for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.


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