Predicting addiction preparedness based on gender, age, educational hardiness, and meta-cognitive beliefs among university students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in educational psychology, Saveh Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

2 Associate professor of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor of Saveh Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran


Introduction: This study is aimed to predict addiction preparedness based on gender, age, educational hardiness and meta-cognitive beliefs in a group of Azad University students of Tehran, Iran. 
Methods: ­ The method of this study was descriptive-correlational, and the targeted population consisted of the entire students of the Azad University of Tehran in 2016 – 2017. By usage of clustered sampling through the Azad University colleges, and by convenience sampling among students, 361 students were recruited. The analysis method was hierarchical multivariate regression analysis. Participants completed a battery of Questionnaires including Zargar addiction preparedness, Meta-cognitive and Educational Hardiness Scale. 
Results: Age was positively correlated with educational hardiness in students. Adding to this, age was negatively correlated with metacognitive beliefs and addiction preparedness in students, such that higher ages, were associated with lower likelihood of addiction and lower levels of metacognitive beliefs. Results of hierarchical multivariate regression showed that both meta-cognitive beliefs and educational hardiness could significantly and negatively predict 6 percent of the addiction preparedness, whereas gender and age could not significantly predict the inclination of addiction in our participants.
Conclusion: Compared to age and gender, Cognitive and personality factors can be more important constructs in prediction of addiction and should be prioritized in conceptualizing therapeutic or preventive interventions. 
