The effect of self-efficacy and psychological capital on exam anxiety of high school students in Babol

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Educational Sciences, Department of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Sari, Iran

2 PhD in Educational Sciences, Curriculum Planning Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Sari branch, Sari, Iran


Background and Aim: Exam anxiety is one of the most important characteristics in students' learning disabilities and psychological capital enables students to, in addition to better coping with stressful situations, in Have high power against problems. The aim of this study was to model the structural relationships between self-efficacy, psychological capital and academic anxiety of high school students in Babol.
Methods: The method of this study was correlational. The statistical population of all high school students in the academic year 1398-1399 in the city of Babol included 15,300 students and the number of statistical samples based on the Cochran's formula was 375 people who were randomly selected into clusters. To measure the variables of self-efficacy, psychological capital and test anxiety, Lutans et al.'s (2007) Psychological Capital Questionnaire and Sarason and Mendler (1952) Test Anxiety Questionnaire were used, respectively.
Results: The results showed that the path coefficient between hope and test anxiety (P <0.001, β = 0.14) was negative and significant, the path coefficient between optimism and test anxiety (P <0.001, 0.07 - = β) negative and significant, path coefficient between resilience and test anxiety (P <0.001, -0- 26.26) negative and significant and path coefficient between self-efficacy with test anxiety (P <0.001) , Β = -0.31 was negative and significant.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, self-efficacy and components of psychological capital have an effect on reducing students' exam anxiety and cause students to be psychologically prepared for the exam.


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