Correlation between Irrational Beliefs, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Esteem and Anxiety of Nursing Students of West Mazandaran’s Azad University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A، General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon ,Iran.

2 Associate Professor , Department of Nursing , School of Medical Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran. (Corresponding Author)


Anxiety in students, especially in medical and paramedical students, is a major concern worldwide. Considering the importance of the impact of anxiety and anxiety disorders on the academic success of students and also on how they deal with problems, this research aimed to identify the effective factors in anxiety and investigated the relationship between this criterion variable and predictor variables of irrational beliefs, self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
Material and Method
In this research, the descriptive-correlation method was used, and for this purpose, 175 of the nursing students studying in West Azad Universities of Mazandaran (Chalos and Tenkabon) who studied in the second semester of 1401-1402 academic year, using Available sampling method was selected and they responded to the tests of irrational beliefs of Jones (1968), Rosenberg's self-esteem (1965), emotional intelligence of Schott et al. (1998) and hospital anxiety questionnaire (1983). In order to analyze the research data, in addition to using Kalmograph-Smirnov to check the normality of the data, the skewness and kurtosis of the raw data were also examined, and then from parametric inferential statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient and step-by-step (hierarchical) regression were used to confirm or Research hypotheses have been rejected.
The results show a positive and significant relationship between irrational beliefs and anxiety (P < 0.001) and a negative and significant relationship between self-esteem and anxiety (P < 0.001), but significant results that show the relationship between emotional intelligence and anxiety not found.
Teaching nursing students in the field of irrational beliefs and increasing their self-esteem by teaching them life skills and practical practical skills related to their field will reduce their anxiety level in everyday life and subsequently at the hospital level.
