Academic burnout
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Training and Cognitive Self-Compassion on Students' Self-efficacy, Burnout, and Academic Self-Regulation [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1649-1660]
Academic self-efficacy
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Training and Cognitive Self-Compassion on Students' Self-efficacy, Burnout, and Academic Self-Regulation [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1649-1660]
Academic self-regulation
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Training and Cognitive Self-Compassion on Students' Self-efficacy, Burnout, and Academic Self-Regulation [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1649-1660]
Isolation of tetD, tetC, tetB, tetA genes from Acinetobacter bummani samples isolated from hospital samples by multiplex PCR method [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 734-742]
Acute Leukemias
Serum Lipid Profile Alterations in Acute Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 627-635]
Title: Epidemiology Of Pediatrics Encephalitis in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 503-509]
Acyl ghrelin
Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 804-815]
Title: Epidemiology Of Pediatrics Encephalitis in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 503-509]
Effect of Aerobic Training with Ginger Supplementation on some Liver Enzymes (AST,ALT,GGT) and Resistance to Insulin in Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes. [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 636-647]
Aluminum phosphide
A comparison of mortality rate caused by Aluminum Phosphide with other poisonings in Golestan Province, Iran, 2010 - 2016 [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 689-690]
Alzheimer's disease
Potential roles of Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 549-566]
relation between AMH level and ovarian reserve in infertile women candidate for assisted reproductive treatment [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 597-609]
Revising the reference range of aminotransferases [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 517-527]
Anal fissure
Comparison of partial and total lateral sphincterotomy in patients
with anal fissure [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 485-492]
Pediatrican and pediatric residents’ knowledge about anaphylaxis in teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 359-368]
Ankle-brachial index (ABI)
Comparison of Acute and Chronic Responses of Blood Pressure, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Ankle-brachial Index to Two Different High-intensity Interval Training Protocols [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 539-548]
Antibiotic resistance
Review of antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori in Iran and the world [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 648-661]
Antibiotic resistance
Clinical value of fluoroquinolone in the treatment of TB and MDR-TB [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 714-726]
Antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Burn Patients [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1121-1131]
Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 804-815]
Effect of Aerobic Training with Ginger Supplementation on some Liver Enzymes (AST,ALT,GGT) and Resistance to Insulin in Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes. [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 636-647]
Attention and Focus
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Investigation of anthropometry pattern of lips as a diagnostic marker for individual man with autism in the fars Families [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 399-408]
Balanced Exercise
The effect of selective training program on the static and dynamic balance of Deaf Children [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 383-391]
Bariatric Surgery
Investigating the Risk Factors of Cholelithiasis in Morbid Obese Patients Undergone Bariatric Surgery [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 662-669]
Biological maturation
Biological Maturation and Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in Mazandaran, Iran, in 2017: Moderating role of social support [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 528-538]
Breast Cancer
Effect of 6 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training on Antioxidant Defense and Aerobic Power in Female Survivors of Breast Cancer [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 779-791]
Effect of using allograft versus non-usage on the survival of major burn patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 433-440]
Cardiac rehabilitation
The effect of cardiac rehabilitation and coenzyme q10 supplementation on functional capacity and ejection fraction in patients with heart failure [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 756-766]
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Assessment of Medical residents’ knowledge and familiarity with cardiopulmonary resuscitation [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 409-417]
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
The relationship between working shifts and the success rate of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in emergencies and wards [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 610-617]
The effect of selective training program on the static and dynamic balance of Deaf Children [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 383-391]
Title: Epidemiology Of Pediatrics Encephalitis in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 503-509]
Child Behavioral Problems
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Investigating the relation of Household Food Security Status and some Socio-economic factors with children Intelligence Quotient in 2016 - Mashhad-Iran [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 691-700]
Investigating the Risk Factors of Cholelithiasis in Morbid Obese Patients Undergone Bariatric Surgery [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 662-669]
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Viral infection and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 709-713]
Evaluation of the association between Morphea and Cytomegalovirus in a cross sectional study [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 494-502]
Cognitive self-compassion
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Training and Cognitive Self-Compassion on Students' Self-efficacy, Burnout, and Academic Self-Regulation [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1649-1660]
The effect of cardiac rehabilitation and coenzyme q10 supplementation on functional capacity and ejection fraction in patients with heart failure [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 756-766]
Coronary artery disease risk factors
The relationship between plasma lipoprotein (a) level and major cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 727-733]
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Evaluation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the city of Lamerd in2004-2014 [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 376-382]
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Comparison of the Effect of Systemic Glucantime Alone and in Combination with Oral Pentoxifylline in Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 461-468]
The effect of selective training program on the static and dynamic balance of Deaf Children [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 383-391]
Disc diffusion
Isolation of tetD, tetC, tetB, tetA genes from Acinetobacter bummani samples isolated from hospital samples by multiplex PCR method [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 734-742]
Patient’s return to work 3 months after lumbar spine discectomy and it’s determinants in Mashhad 2015-2016: A multicenter cohort [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 418-432]
Drug therapy
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Pediatrican and pediatric residents’ knowledge about anaphylaxis in teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 359-368]
Emergency Ward
The relationship between working shifts and the success rate of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in emergencies and wards [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 610-617]
Title: Epidemiology Of Pediatrics Encephalitis in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 503-509]
Enriched environment
Potential roles of Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 549-566]
Evaluation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the city of Lamerd in2004-2014 [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 376-382]
Eye vessels diseases
valuation of hypertensive retinopathy in patients admitted to internal medicine and cardiology wards of Khatam-al-anbia and Imam hosein hospital of Shahroud - 2014 [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 477-484]
Investigation of serum level ficolin-2 protein in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 469-476]
Food security
Investigating the relation of Household Food Security Status and some Socio-economic factors with children Intelligence Quotient in 2016 - Mashhad-Iran [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 691-700]
Functional Behavior Assessment Approach
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Effect of Aerobic Training with Ginger Supplementation on some Liver Enzymes (AST,ALT,GGT) and Resistance to Insulin in Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes. [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 636-647]
Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 804-815]
Health Literacy
Comparative study of two methods of fluid therapy with Ringer’s Lactate and Ringer’s solution [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 792-803]
Heart Arrest
The relationship between working shifts and the success rate of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in emergencies and wards [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 610-617]
Helicobacter pylori
Review of antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori in Iran and the world [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 648-661]
Study of HER2 and P53 expression in meningioma and their relationship with histologic grade and reccurence [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 618-626]
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis(HSE)
Title: Epidemiology Of Pediatrics Encephalitis in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 503-509]
High density lipoprotein cholestrol(HDLC)
Serum Lipid Profile Alterations in Acute Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 627-635]
High-intensity interval training
Effect of 6 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training on Antioxidant Defense and Aerobic Power in Female Survivors of Breast Cancer [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 779-791]
Evaluation of serum level of homocysteine in patients with ischemic stroke [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 767-778]
Investigation of effective factors in the cancellation of elective surgeries in Shahid Arefian Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 567-579]
Hospitalization period
Effect of using allograft versus non-usage on the survival of major burn patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 433-440]
H. pylori
Investigating the Risk Factors of Cholelithiasis in Morbid Obese Patients Undergone Bariatric Surgery [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 662-669]
valuation of hypertensive retinopathy in patients admitted to internal medicine and cardiology wards of Khatam-al-anbia and Imam hosein hospital of Shahroud - 2014 [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 477-484]
Comparison of Acute and Chronic Responses of Blood Pressure, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Ankle-brachial Index to Two Different High-intensity Interval Training Protocols [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 539-548]
Comparative study of two methods of fluid therapy with Ringer’s Lactate and Ringer’s solution [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 792-803]
Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy on the
Perceived Stress and Blood Pressure in Patients with Primary Hypertension [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 669-680]
Intelligence Quotient
Investigating the relation of Household Food Security Status and some Socio-economic factors with children Intelligence Quotient in 2016 - Mashhad-Iran [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 691-700]
Interval training
Comparison of Acute and Chronic Responses of Blood Pressure, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Ankle-brachial Index to Two Different High-intensity Interval Training Protocols [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 539-548]
Review of antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori in Iran and the world [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 648-661]
Ischemic stroke
Evaluation of serum level of homocysteine in patients with ischemic stroke [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 767-778]
It seems that usage of morphine before PPCI may lead to more reduction of post-procedural CTFC
Evaluation of post-conditioning effects of morphine sulfate on Corrected TIMI frame count in patients with anterior ST-segment myocardial infarction who have undergone primary PCI on the left anterior descending artery [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 743-755]
Keywords: Morphea disease
Evaluation of the association between Morphea and Cytomegalovirus in a cross sectional study [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 494-502]
Assessment of Medical residents’ knowledge and familiarity with cardiopulmonary resuscitation [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 409-417]
Evaluation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the city of Lamerd in2004-2014 [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 376-382]
Investigation of anthropometry pattern of lips as a diagnostic marker for individual man with autism in the fars Families [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 399-408]
Lipid Peroxidation
Effect of 6 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training on Antioxidant Defense and Aerobic Power in Female Survivors of Breast Cancer [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 779-791]
Lipoprotein a
The relationship between plasma lipoprotein (a) level and major cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 727-733]
Low density lipoprotein cholestrol (LDLC)
Serum Lipid Profile Alterations in Acute Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 627-635]
Lumbar disc herniation
Patient’s return to work 3 months after lumbar spine discectomy and it’s determinants in Mashhad 2015-2016: A multicenter cohort [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 418-432]
Effect of using allograft versus non-usage on the survival of major burn patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 433-440]
Clinical value of fluoroquinolone in the treatment of TB and MDR-TB [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 714-726]
Medical Anthropometry
Investigation of anthropometry pattern of lips as a diagnostic marker for individual man with autism in the fars Families [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 399-408]
Study of HER2 and P53 expression in meningioma and their relationship with histologic grade and reccurence [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 618-626]
Mesenchymal stem cells
Effect of autologous Bone marrow stem cell on panel reactive Antibodies in patients with chronic and progressive renal failure, a pilot clinical trial [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 450-460]
Micro RNA
Association between rs3745453 Gene Polymorphism and
the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 681-688]
Viral infection and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 709-713]
Morbid Obesity
Investigating the Risk Factors of Cholelithiasis in Morbid Obese Patients Undergone Bariatric Surgery [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 662-669]
Multiple Sclerosis
A comparative study of subcalosal striation and Dawson fingers in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of multiple sclerosis patients [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 369-375]
Multiple Sclerosis
Association between rs3745453 Gene Polymorphism and
the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 681-688]
Myocardial infarction
The relationship between plasma lipoprotein (a) level and major cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 727-733]
Neural stem cells
Potential roles of Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 549-566]
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Potential roles of Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 549-566]
Nosocomial infection
Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Burn Patients [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1121-1131]
Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 804-815]
Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 804-815]
The relationship between working shifts and the success rate of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in emergencies and wards [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 610-617]
Ovarian reserve
relation between AMH level and ovarian reserve in infertile women candidate for assisted reproductive treatment [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 597-609]
Oxidative stress
Effect of 6 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training on Antioxidant Defense and Aerobic Power in Female Survivors of Breast Cancer [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 779-791]
Study of HER2 and P53 expression in meningioma and their relationship with histologic grade and reccurence [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 618-626]
Comparison of partial and total lateral sphincterotomy in patients
with anal fissure [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 485-492]
Parent Behavioral Management Training
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Patients' costs
Investigation of effective factors in the cancellation of elective surgeries in Shahid Arefian Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 567-579]
Evaluation of the association between Morphea and Cytomegalovirus in a cross sectional study [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 494-502]
Comparison of the Effect of Systemic Glucantime Alone and in Combination with Oral Pentoxifylline in Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 461-468]
Perceived stress
Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy on the
Perceived Stress and Blood Pressure in Patients with Primary Hypertension [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 669-680]
Physical Activity
Biological Maturation and Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in Mazandaran, Iran, in 2017: Moderating role of social support [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 528-538]
Association between rs3745453 Gene Polymorphism and
the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 681-688]
Positive psychology
The Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Training and Cognitive Self-Compassion on Students' Self-efficacy, Burnout, and Academic Self-Regulation [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1649-1660]
Primary hypertension
Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy on the
Perceived Stress and Blood Pressure in Patients with Primary Hypertension [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 669-680]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Burn Patients [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 1121-1131]
Pulse wave velocity (PWV)
Comparison of Acute and Chronic Responses of Blood Pressure, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Ankle-brachial Index to Two Different High-intensity Interval Training Protocols [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 539-548]
Quality of healthcare centers
Investigation of effective factors in the cancellation of elective surgeries in Shahid Arefian Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 567-579]
Quality of life
Comparative study of two methods of fluid therapy with Ringer’s Lactate and Ringer’s solution [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 792-803]
Reference range
Revising the reference range of aminotransferases [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 517-527]
Renal transplantation
Investigating the Effect of Dipyridamole on Hypophosphatemia Treatment in Kidney Transplant Recipients [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 392-398]
Renal transplantation
Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome after Renal Transplantation
and its Effect on Renal Function [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 510-516]
valuation of hypertensive retinopathy in patients admitted to internal medicine and cardiology wards of Khatam-al-anbia and Imam hosein hospital of Shahroud - 2014 [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 477-484]
Rice tablet
A comparison of mortality rate caused by Aluminum Phosphide with other poisonings in Golestan Province, Iran, 2010 - 2016 [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 689-690]
Self-care education
Comparative study of two methods of fluid therapy with Ringer’s Lactate and Ringer’s solution [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 792-803]
Serum level
Evaluation of serum level of homocysteine in patients with ischemic stroke [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 767-778]
Six sigma
Investigation of effective factors in the cancellation of elective surgeries in Shahid Arefian Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 567-579]
Skin allograft
Effect of using allograft versus non-usage on the survival of major burn patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 433-440]
Social Emotion Adaptation
Comparison of the Effects of Parenting Behavioral Management Training (Based on Functional Behavior Assessment Approach), Neurofeedback and Drug Therapy on Attention, and Focus, Behavioral Problems, and Social-Emotional Adjustment in Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017]
Social Support
Biological Maturation and Physical Activity among Female Adolescents in Mazandaran, Iran, in 2017: Moderating role of social support [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 528-538]
Assessment of clinical manifestation and pulmonary function test on post tuberculosis treatment in Qom province 2005-2013 [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 701-708]
Comparison of methods to support the survival of peripheral vein catheter in selected hospitals in Isfahan in 2017 [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 493-500]
Staphylococcus aureus
Antibiotic resistance pattern and prevalence of tst gene in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from respiratory system infections in Isfahan [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 586-647]
Surgery cancellation
Investigation of effective factors in the cancellation of elective surgeries in Shahid Arefian Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 567-579]
Effect of using allograft versus non-usage on the survival of major burn patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 433-440]
Systemic Glucantime
Comparison of the Effect of Systemic Glucantime Alone and in Combination with Oral Pentoxifylline in Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis [Volume 60, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 461-468]
Tetracycline resistance genes
Isolation of tetD, tetC, tetB, tetA genes from Acinetobacter bummani samples isolated from hospital samples by multiplex PCR method [Volume 60, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 734-742]
Total cholesterol
Serum Lipid Profile Alterations in Acute Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 627-635]
To Work
Patient’s return to work 3 months after lumbar spine discectomy and it’s determinants in Mashhad 2015-2016: A multicenter cohort [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 418-432]
Assessment of Medical residents’ knowledge and familiarity with cardiopulmonary resuscitation [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 409-417]
Pediatrican and pediatric residents’ knowledge about anaphylaxis in teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 60, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 359-368]
Triglyceride (TG)
Serum Lipid Profile Alterations in Acute Leukemia Before and After Chemotherapy [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 627-635]
Assessment of clinical manifestation and pulmonary function test on post tuberculosis treatment in Qom province 2005-2013 [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 701-708]
Type II diabetes
Effect of Aerobic Training with Ginger Supplementation on some Liver Enzymes (AST,ALT,GGT) and Resistance to Insulin in Obese Women with Type 2 Diabetes. [Volume 60, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 636-647]
Upper reference limit
Revising the reference range of aminotransferases [Volume 60, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 517-527]
Viral infection
Viral infection and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) [Volume 60, Issue 5, 2017, Pages 709-713]
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